July 10, 2020

I first want to apologize for the “last minute” communication with you. We usually have packets out to all incoming families by now. We just found out this morning that we have been “approved” and licensed to open two more classrooms in our building – which will give us the space we need to provide school care to ALL our students while complying with the lower mandated ratios required. Praise God!

If you have been on our website or staying in touch with me, you know we have been open since June 1st and have many protocols in place to keep all of us safe.

Here is a short-version of some of the policies/procedures we have been following to meet the best practices set forth by Contra Costa Health Dept., Community Care Licensing and the State of California to help keep us all safe.

What program changes do I need to be aware of?

  • Classrooms are now limited to 12 students per class.
  • Each classroom is made up of a “stable group” or cohort that does not mix with any other class. Classes do not combine for playground time or in the early morning or late afternoon as before.
  • Little Bridges will open at 8am (not 7am as before). We will stay open until 6pm. This ensures that our teachers can stay with their stable group all day. No mixing of classes at any time and no aides or floaters in classrooms. Not even Ms. Jacque 🙁
  • Each PreK class will continue to have two fully qualified, main teachers who will co-teach your child/ren.
  • All staff wear masks all day (unless they can social distance during outside time).
  • No snack will be provided by Little Bridges. Parents will need to pack a morning and afternoon snack along with lunch.
  • Each child will need to bring their own water bottle or sippy cup. The community water fountains will be turned off for drinking. Teachers will of course refill as needed.

What will drop off and pick up look like?

  • No parents are allowed past the gates. We have 2 staffed drop off gates and each family is assigned to one of these gates for drop off and pick up.
  • Each child has their temperature taken before entering with a no-touch thermometer. Parents are asked if anyone in the house has had any type of illness symptoms.
  • All children are visually supervised to class where they will meet their teacher.
  • Children are asked to wash their hands as soon as they enter their classroom.
  • There are tape markers 6 feet apart should families start forming a line at drop off or pick up (much like the grocery store).
  • Pick up happens at the same gate entrance for each family. Afternoon stations are open from 4:30pm – 6pm.
  • Should you need to pick up before then, just call the office and we will escort your child to their gate.
  • Children are physically “signed in and out” by their teacher in the classroom.
  • Each “escorter” uses hand sanitizer in between each family group if they have any physical contact with children that need guidance to be helped to their class.

What will my child’s day look like?

  • Your child WILL have physical contact (be hugged and loved on) by his/her stable teachers.
  • The daily routine will be the same – but each class will use the playground at different times (no mixing of classes even on the yard).
  • Ms. Tammy Time (Bible/Music) will be done remotely.
  • Teachers will “space out” children at all table activities – especially meal times.
  • Both doors to each classroom will be kept open all day if possible for outside air ventilation.
  • Mats will be spaced 6 feet apart for nap time.
  • Each class has their own set of playground balls, chalk and even bikes assigned to their class only. No shared water/sand tables between classes.
  • For now, the structure will be taped off. We are investigating the guidelines for this area.

What health and illness policies will Little Bridges be using?

  • We have a cleaning crew that comes nightly to clean and disinfect the whole school.
  • Our morning opener disinfects all door handles, airs out rooms and sets up clean sign in stations before staff and families get here.
  • Masks must be worn by all parents at pick up & drop off.
  • Temperatures will be taken 3 times a day on all staff and children.
  • Hands are washed before participating in class and after every activity.
  • Mouthed items are placed in a sanitation bin (to be disinfected).
  • All staff or students showing any signs of illness will be asked to stay home.
  • Any person with a temperature over 100.4 will be asked to be fever free for 72 hours, or have a doctor’s note clearing them for work/school.
  • All hard surfaces will be disinfected throughout the day – especially bathroom areas.

Jacque Kirk

Yumi Lee