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Social Awareness
- Trust known, caring adults
- Work on using sounds and gestures with others
- Recognize he/she is one of many
- Engage in social interactions with peers and adults
- Develop friendships
- Develop autonomy and independence
Cognitive Awareness
- Explore objects in different ways
- Understand object permanence
- Begin understanding between cause and effect
- Curious about things and try to get things out of reach
Spiritual Awareness
- Develop an awareness of the name of Jesus and associate him with being loved
- Associate God and Jesus with loving people and enjoyable activities
- Feel secure and loved in Christian environment by having physical and emotional needs met by caring adults
Fine Motor
- Strengthen hand muscles and control including pincher grasp
- Hand/Eye coordination
- Pass things from one hand to another
Gross Motor
- Body awareness
- Discovering parts of the body and what they do
- Balance
- Coordination
- Discovering how to use the body to become mobile
Language and Learning
- Recognize name
- Use a variety of babbles and sounds
- Engage in peek-a-boo type games
- Recognize familiar sounds
- Experiment with repeating
Reading and Writing
- Scribble as a stage of early writing
- Respond to pictures
- Use senses to gain information
- Observe events and changes in environment
- Pass things from one hand to another
Music Awareness
- Identify source of sounds
- Song recognition
- Use imitative movement
- Play simple rhythm instruments
- Discover color
- Sensory exploration